Seachem Matrix 1L
Buy Seachem Matrix 1L for $56.28, or search for Seachem to find the best prices from all retailers. We pride ourselves on finding the best prices on pet products in Australia, with prices updated regularly.
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Seachem Matrix 1L Pet: Fish Category: Fish Supplies Size: 0.8kg Rich Description: Seachem believes that offering customer education and support as well as premium products proven by science are the cornerstones for delivering quality aquarium care. For over 40 years Seachem has been a company rooted in science and is owned and operated by genuine passionate hobbyists. Seachem itself was started because one such passionate hobbyist Dr. Leo G. Morin Founder recognised that the available solutions to aquarists problems were wanting. Over thirty years later Seachem is still approaching old problems with a fresh innovative lense. High capacity biofiltration media Controls ammonia nitrite and nitrate Highly porous enormous surface area 700 m2L Supports aerobic and anaerobic bacteria species
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