Scream Bowl Slow Down Pillar Loud Blue 750ml
Buy Scream Bowl Slow Down Pillar Loud Blue 750ml for $20.8, or search for Scream to find the best prices from all retailers. We pride ourselves on finding the best prices on pet products in Australia, with prices updated regularly.
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Scream Bowl Slow Down Pillar Loud Blue 750ml Pet: Dog Category: Dog Supplies Size: 0.4kg Colour: Blue Rich Description: Scream cat and dog products are all about living life loud especially when it comes to colour and design. The fun range from Scream adds excitement to every hour of the day and entertains your pets natural instincts with toys treat dispensers and more. Antigulp slow down bowl Contains handy ridges for food to hide in Ideal for dogs who inhale their food Also recommended for deepchested dogs at risk of developing Gastric Dilation and Volvulus such as German Shepherdsnbsp
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